Win a Community of Loyal Clients & Customers
- While Charging What You Want...

when you Have “The World’s Best Female Direct Response Copywriter” Teach You How to Write Sales Copy... & Personally Copy Critique Your Marketing Campaigns, Before You Press Send.

Watch This Video Where Mara Shares What You’ll Experience As A Member...
AND The Special Pricing Perks Currently Available Because of The Promise She Made To Her Famous Marketer Dad!


“The World's Best Female Direct Response Copywriter”- Grace Lever


“Mara is my go-to when it comes to generating a BIG BUZZ online and then turning it into REAL MONEY in the bank. From just one (of the many) simple campaigns Mara helped us engineer, we achieved a whopping 1,551% ROI! Her strategies are HOT, MONETIZABLE, and set up for ROI in every capacity!” - Suzanne Evans

Compared to Other Similar

Join Today For Less Than
A Dinner Date Out At
Your Favorite Restaurant…

Just $297 $197 a month.

(No long term contracts. Cancel anytime!)


  • CONFIDENTLY Create Marketing Campaigns With Mara's Support and Guidance. (You will ALWAYS know what to do next and HOW TO troubleshoot any challenge!)

  • And do it alongside a COMMUNITY of other business owners who are leveling up in their business + and life too!

  • Have “The World’s Best Female Direct Response Copywriter” Teach You How to Write Sales Copy & Personally Copy Critique Your Marketing + Membership Campaigns, Before You Press Send.

  • Win a Community of Loyal Clients & Customers AND Boost Your Sales BIG TIME - While Charging What You Want!

  • Grow All Parts of Your Business In A Traditional Mastermind Format

  • Find EASE and Enjoyment In Your Business Again!


  • Two - 2 Hour Mastermind Hot Seat + Copy Critique Calls With Mara (Retail Value $6,000.00)

    Two times per month you will have the opportunity to participate in the Mastermind Hotseat + Copy Critiques.

    ✔️ If you have a pressing question you need answered…

    ✔️ A challenge you need problem solved…

    ✔️ Or, maybe you need help brainstorming a new marketing campaign…

    Bring it to the call to mastermind it with me and our group members, LIVE.

    This is also your opportunity to bring your sales copy to the call for me to critique.

    I stand by feedback and critiques being THE best way to learn the craft of copywriting. They push you to get better and better each time you write something new.

    But more than that, getting a set of expert eyes on your writing means you can feel copy confident BEFORE it goes out into the world.

    (One of the biggest fears of business owners and copywriters alike, survey says.)

    Imagine the relief you’d feel hitting “send” on that email…

    Or the “launch” button on your sales page…

    And knowing with absolute certainty that it’s going to make you BOTH look good AND win over your customers easily.

    Can’t make it to a call?

    That’s absolutely fine!

    All calls are recorded and you can access them in the members-only, password-protected portal.

  • TWO - 1 Hour Copy Critique Calls With Mara’s Lead Copywriter (Retail Value $4,000.00)

    On the weeks where there isn’t a scheduled hotseat and copy critique call with me, you’ll still get support from the lead copywriter in my agency.

    (That means you have support with your sales copy EVERY week!)

    My calls + her calls = a TOTAL of six hours of copywriting feedback you have access to EVERY month!

  • Quick Question Answering In The Mastermind Community Facebook Group (Retail Value $297.00)

    I didn’t want you to have to wait for our next hotseat coaching call to get support…

    Which is why I’ve decided to include a way for you to get your questions answered every day (Monday - Friday).

    That’s what happens inside of our Mastermind Members ONLY Facebook Group.

    This is a safe space where you can…

    Get support between calls…

    Actively problem solve and share ideas…

    Create accountability…

    And celebrate each other’s wins.

    I pop in DAILY to answer questions.

    And our other members - who want to see you win - share their input too!

    When you sign up, you’ll get instant access to our Mastermind Members Only Facebook group.

  • All Of Mara’s Copywriting Templates To Swipe And Use For Your Business (Retail Value $1,997.00)

    You ever experience that crippling feeling where you need to start writing your sales copy…

    But the blank page in front of you just isn’t cooperating?

    Here’s what I’ve learned over the years…

    Sometimes all you just need is a template to get you started.

    Now, I’ve had my fair share of requests for my copywriting templates.

    And I always decided NOT to release them anywhere (with the exception of just a few emails).

    But by popular demand, I’m giving you exclusive access to an entire library of copywriting templates when you join my “Level Up”

    Whether you’re writing copy for a…

    Long-form sales page…

    Shopping Cart…


    Or a whole stack of emails…

    These templates will serve as the framework for you to know exactly what to write.

  • Mara’s Copywriting + Campaign Creation Training Vault! (Retail Value $997.00)

    Everyone has the same question when they decide to learn copywriting:

    Where do I start?

    And while there are a ton of options out there…

    You’ve just found someone who has both the experience and knowledge to guide you down the right path.

    After working closely with and training under my dad—now retired World Famous Copywriter Bill Glazer for three years…

    Helping him grow his company to the largest coaching and course business for entrepreneurs at the time…

    And going on to help numerous businesses consistently create multiple 5-, 6-, and even 7-figure campaigns…

    I’ve got a lot of wisdom to share.

    And I’ve put everything I’ve learned from my dad and from my years of experience all into one place.

    This includes…

  • How to Write Direct Response Copy That Is So Darn Sexy Your Prospects Can’t Say No 

  • Write On! : Write Emails That Fill Your Calendar With Sales Calls

  • Quick ROI Emails 

  • How to Sell More of Everything You Offer by Telling Stories in Your Emails 

  • How To Create An Offer That Is So Darn Sexy Your Prospects Can't Say No Training 

  • List Building 101

  • And a whole LOT more!

Save TENS of THOUSANDS Compared to Other Similar Masterminds.

Join Today For Less Than A Dinner Date Out At Your Favorite Restaurant…

Just $297 $197 a month.

(No long term contracts. Cancel anytime!)



  • BONUS! Sales Coaching Call with Erica Martin (Retail Value $1,000.00)

    I call Erica the “Sales Ninja” because is the master when it comes to selling over the phone or in a face-to-face/Zoom setting.

    (She’s also a 4th-degree black belt, which literally makes her a ninja, and I’ve always thought that was pretty cool.)

    And during her monthly calls, she’ll coach you on how to address your prospect’s objections and make small improvements to your sales calls that convert new leads like crazy.

    She hosts her calls on the second Thursday of each month, 12pm EST, and they are recorded in case you can’t make it.

  • BONUS! Mindset Support Call with Pat Mussieux (Retail Value $1,000.00)

    Whenever I need a little advice or a kick in the pants…

    Pat Mussieux is who I turn to.

    Pat is all about helping entrepreneurs overcome mindset hurdles and limiting beliefs that stand in the way of achieving their goals.

    We all have small periods of procrastination, lack of motivation, and sometimes we feel stuck.

    During Pat’s monthly calls, she’ll work with you to get you unstuck, focused, and back on track.

    Pat hosts her calls on the fourth Thursday of each month, 1pm EST, and they are recorded in case you can’t make it.

Save TENS of THOUSANDS Compared to Other Similar Masterminds.

Join Today For Less Than A Dinner Date Out At Your Favorite Restaurant…

Just $297 $197 a month.

(No long term contracts. Cancel anytime!)



Most people who run masterminds like this charge a minimum of $25,000 to join their group.

And with the level of support, training  and community you’ll experience when you are a member inside my Level Up Mastermind, I could definitely justify doing the same.

(In fact, in the past, I did charge that!)

But that’s no longer how I want to play.

Because I promised my dad I would carry on his legacy…

And teach what he taught me to as many entrepreneurs as I could…

So I didn’t want the price of entry to be the one thing that stops  YOU.

And keeps other people who really want to be a part of this from signing up.

Especially if it means maxing out your credit card—or selling an organ—to make it happen.

(Kidding. And also not kidding, if you know what I mean.)

But I also have a team that I support that allows me to run this program for you.

+ operational costs, just like you do. So I’ve gotta charge something…

That’s why I chose to make your membership in the Mastermind super affordable for you.

(+ ADD an EXTRA DISCOUNT on top of that for a short window of time only.)

Usually, membership is just $297 per month.

But right now, I’m opening the doors with a special price of just $197 per month.

And when you join us inside my Level Up Mastermind before the doors close, you can lock in that special price…

For as long as you choose to stay.

So, instead of joining a $25,000 mastermind and then maxing out new credit cards in order to fund the ideas you come up with inside the group…

You can join and choose to say in my Level Up Mastermind for an entire YEAR…

And still have $22,636 leftover to actually implement what you learn.

It sounds like a SMARTER way to grow your business, if you ask me! 


Most masterminds expect you to commit to at least six to twelve months.

And while I think you’ll definitely want to stick around that long (if not longer), I won’t lock you into any contracts.


It’s simple.

I only want you to be in the group if you want to be there.

That way, if you aren’t completely blown away by your experience in the Mastermind, for some crazy reason…

Or if you feel like you’re not getting everything you need.

You can cancel at any time—no questions asked. 


Here’s EVERYTHING You’ll Experience EACH MONTH

When You Join Mara Glazer’s Level Up Mastermind…

  • Two - 2 Hour Mastermind Hot Seat + Copy Critique Calls With Mara (Retail Value $6,000.00)

  • TWO - 1 Hour Copy Critique Calls With Mara’s Lead Copywriter (Retail Value $4,000.00)

  • Quick Question Answering In The Mastermind Community Facebook Group

    (Retail Value $297.00)

  • All Of Mara’s Copywriting Templates To Swipe And Use For Your Business

    (Retail Value $1,997.00)

  • All Of Mara’s Copywriting Templates To Swipe And Use For Your Business

    (Retail Value $1,997.00)

  • BONUS! Sales Coaching Call with Erica Martin

    (Retail Value $1,000.00)

  • BONUS! Mindset Support Call with Pat Mussieux

    (Retail Value $1,000.00)



Join Today For Less Than A Dinner Date Out At Your Favorite Restaurant…

Just $297 $197 a month.

Save TENS of THOUSANDS Compared to Other Similar Masterminds.

(No long term contracts. Cancel anytime!)

The Promise I Made to My Father, Bill Glazer:

10% of all Profits Are Donated to the


to Support Their Stroke Rehabilitation PIRATE Program!

I was honored when my #1 marketing and copywriting mentor, my father Bill Glazer, asked if he could “pass the torch” to me upon his retirement after having his last stroke.

​And when he did, I made him ONE BIG PROMISE…

To donate a portion of all profits to the charity he loves to support…


So far, with our efforts we have sent OVER 80 veterans to a month-long stroke rehab program, AND this year our goal is to be able to send LOTS more!!!

Which is why I am making good on my word to my father to donate 10% of all MONTHLY profits from the Level Up Mastermind to this charity of his choice.

So as he says: When you join the mastermind today, "You get to do good for your business and do good for others, too!"

What’s The Word…

(AKA: What People Are Saying About The Level Up Mastermind)


"This past March I had a 45% INCREASE over my monthly average! It was the BEST MONTH EVER in OVER 20 years of business, and all from an email we masterminded in the group."

Josh Hartwell


"I Sent Out JUST 2 Emails, And Sold 8 Destination Diving Trips That Generated $28,000 in Sales For Our Dive Store!"

Kelley & Bob Scarzafava


"Since joining we've run 4 launches bringing in over $100,000 total on the front end. On the back end we've converted 6 people to join our high priced mastermind coaching program bringing in an additional $300,000."

Rachel Cosgrove


"I blew up my brand new business and made almost $100,000 in a year! I wouldn't have been able to do it without this Mastermind!"

Sidra Gaines

Save TENS of THOUSANDS Compared to Other Similar Masterminds.

Join Today For Less Than A Dinner Date Out At Your Favorite Restaurant…

Just $297 $197 a month.

(No long term contracts. Cancel anytime!)


Complete your order...

Join Mara Glazer's Level Up Mastermind

(No long term contracts. Cancel anytime!)

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Here's what you get:

  • Two - 2 Hour Mastermind Hot Seat + Copy Critique Calls With Mara (Retail Value $6,000.00)

  • TWO - 1 Hour Copy Critique Calls With Mara’s Lead Copywriter (Retail Value $4,000.00)

  • Quick Question Answering In The Mastermind Community Facebook Group (Retail Value $297.00)

  • All Of Mara’s Copywriting Templates To Swipe And Use For Your Business (Retail Value $1,997.00)

  • All Of Mara’s Copywriting Templates To Swipe And Use For Your Business (Retail Value $1,997.00)

  • BONUS! Sales Coaching Call with Erica Martin
    (Retail Value $1,000.00)

  • BONUS! Mindset Support Call with Pat Mussieux

    (Retail Value $1,000.00)

Today's Price:

Just $297 $197 a month.

(No long term contracts. Cancel anytime!)

©2024 The Bizzy Buzz LLC

Terms | Privacy Policy

Mara Glazer and the Bizzy Buzz LLC, provide educational and informational resources that are intended to help readers in their online business and otherwise. Mara Glazer and the Bizzy Buzz LLC, can not, and do not, make any guarantees about your ability to get results, or earn any money with her ideas, information, tools, and/or strategies. We do not offer any legal, tax, or any other professional advice. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer, or professional advisor before acting on any information related to your business or finances.

You also recognize that prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. There is no guarantee that by applying the principles set out in this book, or any of Mara Glazer’s teachings, you will make these levels of income, or any income, and if you do implement any of her teachings, strategies, and/or ideas, you accept all risk. Your results will be determined by a number of factors over which we have no control, such as your financial condition, experience level, skills, level of effort, education, and changes within the market. The testimonials and examples used are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

In no way does Mara Glazer, The Bizzy Buzz LLC, or any employees or representatives of The Bizzy Buzz LLC make any guarantees about your ability to earn any money or get any results with the information in this book or published elsewhere by these parties respectively. There is absolutely no promise or guarantee of future earnings.